March 14, 2014

A Long Awaited Update - Our 6 week Check-in

Two days ago, my little Andy turned 6 weeks old. Where does the time go? In six weeks we have both grown in our own unique ways and learned an abundance of new skills and new qualities about ourselves and our new life.

Six weeks into our new life and I've come to realise there's many things that I can and can't do. For instance, at first I thought I was capable of doing everything myself. I thought I was strong and determined enough to 'do it all' and still keep a smile on my face. It turns out that no matter how strong and capable you are, you need a helping hand sometimes. Even if it's just with the little things. 

My beauty routine, personal hygiene, sleep and eating well also went out the window within a week. As time goes by I'm slowly regaining it all with a little organisation and the swallowing of my pride to bite the bullet and ask for help occasionally. For the past two and a half weeks I've been eating clean and begun exercising lightly. Last week I dyed my hair and painted my nails and started visiting friends more often. Last night both Andy and I got a solid four hour sleep before feeding and resettling. Considering that right at this moment in time we are both cuddled up in bed with a cold, I feel fantastic. 

Andy has started to gain better control of his neck muscles and he greets me with his beautiful smile every morning and throughout the day. We converse (well, I talk and he goo's and gaa's) even though we both have absolutely no idea what we are saying to each other and he's now sleeping in his own room in a big cot. It's amazing how much babies grow in such little time.

It's an incredible feeling to wake up to this beautiful little person, no matter what time of the day or night, who is completely dependent on a devoted to me. He is my world and I am his. I wouldn't have it any other way. 


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